High Voltage Electric Boiler

EnBW Altbach – 2 x 50 MW
Client: EnBW
Business: District Heating
Country : Germany

The combined heat and power station in Altbach/Deizisau makes an important contribution to the regional economy by providing a reliable, economic and sustainable energy supply. EnBW (Energie Baden-Württemberg AG) operates several plants on this site with a total electrical power output of 1,200 MW. A secured district heating output of 280 MW can be supplied from each of the CHPs 1 and 2.

The CHP is also equipped with two VAPEC 50 MW hot water electric boilers. These boilers safeguard the district heating grid while maintenance work is carried out on the hard coal-fired power plants. The heat can be transferred either to the hot water tank or directly to the district heating grid via a heat exchanger.

VAPEC have for many years supported EnBW's combined heat and power station with the maintenance of the boilers. In addition to manufacturing and supplying original spare parts, VAPEC also supervises the repair and inspections of the boilers.